Bold. Fashionable. Unstoppable.
The goal of this project was to create a visual identity that captured Lauren’s bold personality while reflecting her passion for fashion photography. The brand needed to be both striking and fashionable, with the flexibility to expand into merchandise and collaborate with other brands.
Creative Direction
Visual Identity
Logo Design
Lauren Taylor, a photographer and producer from Los Angeles, California, approached me to create her logo design and visual identity as she embarked on her journey of establishing her personal business.
A friend and colleague, Lauren sought a brand that would seamlessly blend her passion for both photography and production—one that felt clean yet bold and distinctive. She envisioned a visual identity that not only reflected her creative expertise but also set her apart in a competitive industry. With these goals in mind, we worked together to develop a brand that embodies her artistic vision and professional ambition.
Previous Portfolio Photo & Logo
To guide the creative process, Lauren curated a mood board filled with brands and logos that resonated with her vision. Among them, one stood out in particular: the logo of Rosie Matheson, a renowned portrait photographer based in London and LA.
Understanding Lauren’s personality and bold sense of style, I suggested taking a more daring approach with her logo—something edgier, in the vein of Rosie Matheson’s branding, rather than a plain, minimal typeface. While a clean type treatment could have worked, I saw an opportunity to translate Lauren’s striking presence into a visual identity that truly represented her. We explored the potential of expanding her brand beyond photography and production into social media, apparel, and other creative ventures in today’s digital landscape.
Peter McKinnon, YouTuber/ Photographer
To create a mark that was both timeless and versatile, I referenced Peter McKinnon’s logo—an elegant yet impactful design that stands strong on its own while seamlessly integrating with brand collaborations. With this inspiration, we set out to craft a simple yet bold mark that would establish Lauren’s identity and give her the flexibility to evolve her brand in the future. Having seen another one of my logo designs, Lauren asked to explore a custom script logo.
Lauren finally set on a combination of style between the Cadogan typeface and my script handwriting. To give it a more organic, handwritten feel, I created the sketch in the Procreate app, giving it a marker/ sharpie texture, which was then vectorized in Adobe Illustrator.
Initial Script Explorations
Combination Logo
Hero Signature
Lauren Richardson (Owner)